Thursday, May 17, 2007

And the medical report....

came this morning.

He had his doctors appt on 5/3 ( a few days before 3 months old).

He weighed 12 lbs and was 60 cm (about 23.6 inches)
On the report it says he is in the 96th percentile for weight and 98th percentile for height- based on Guatemala averages. (In the US charts he would be about 25th percentile)

The report states that he has had shots for: Polio, DTP, HIB, BCG, Hep B and Rotavirus.
And that he "dice gu gu, sostiene la cabeza y sigue objectos con la mirada- buenas condiciones". He coos, supports his head and follows objects with this eyes- he is in good condition.

How amazing it is that we receive these reports...and will have them for Samuel to know some of his first months of life. A thousand miles away and yet my heart beats with his.

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