Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Rob!!

Today (12/14) is Rob's 38th Birthday!!
I remember the first birthday of Rob's I celebrated- it was his 29th. We had a little party for him at my house. We started dating that following January- must have been something about the party I threw!

And I remember his 30th, we had just gotten engaged. I surprised him by gathering friends together at Cafe Latte- and then "spontaneously" suggested we go there after we had dinner. I remember as we walked by the window, he said, "hey, Ricardo is here....and Jon and Julie...and Nathan....and John....and Hope....and hmmmm"

On his 31st, we had been married just over six months and were living in Mpls. His 32nd we had sold our house and were living with my parents. His 33rd we were living on campus at Bethel. I remember bits of those celebrations, but which year was which blurs.

His 34th was our first year in Seattle and had a few friends over for dinner. His 35th we threw a big party. I remember decorating the Christmas tree all with picture ornaments of Rob throughout his years. Everyone brought a gift of music, and a favorite CD and we compiled a big wish list.

On his 36th birthday we were moving into our new house.

On his 37th, last year, we gathered friends together for an evening of singing. Thomas and Kelli brought their keyboard, and we spend the night singing hymns and carols. I remember when I had asked Rob what he would like to do- he said "I want to sing like I did when I was a kid. I remember my dad playing the organ and all of us gathered around singing" That's what we did.

And now, his 38th....the three of us are at home. Rob is sitting in his recliner. Christmas lights are on. Samuel is sleeping. As peaceful as that sounds, life is not perfect. Today was a day of hard conversations for Rob. But somehow, saying, Samuel is downstairs sleeping, it all fades. And this birthday is one I will remember as his first one as a Dad.

I will remember how he instantly fell in love with his son.

How he loves to toss him in the air and how he can make Samuel laugh and laugh.

How Rob tries to get Samuel to say "ma ma ma ma" although all he will say is "da da da da". (Maybe for my birthday...)

The other day, I had to finish up some writing for work, so Samuel and Rob joined me at Cloud City Coffee. They have a great kids area. They sat there and played while I worked. There was this moment of me peeking over my laptop and seeing Rob talking to Samuel and getting out his lunch....he had brought a bowl and a bib. I was so touched. And I remembered that I had my camera with me. I took these pictures without them knowing.

I love how Samuel is looking up so intently at Rob. And Rob with his mouth open. It was a wonderful glimpse. For over seven years Rob has amazed me as a husband. We have learned and grown and changed.

And now I have the privilege of journeying with him as he discovers fatherhood. I know we have a lot to learn, but never for a moment do I doubt his heart of love for his son. His complete devotion to teach and train and laugh and be with Samuel as he experiences life.
He even loved the "Transformer stickers" that Samuel bought him for his birthday. We were at Target and he kept reaching for them, insisting that we buy them for dad's bday. He also bought his Dad, Monsters Inc.

Tomorrow night we are venturing out for dinner. Tim and Kathleen are coming to watch Samuel- a first for us.

But tonight, we are at home, the three of us. The three of us.

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Tree Farm

This past Saturday, Joy and Ruben invited Samuel (and us) to go along with them to cut down their Christmas tree. Here are some pictures from the day!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

More recent pictures

Here are a few pictures that were taken around Thanksgiving.

Playing with Kathleen

Here is Samuel with Kathleen. We meet every Thurs morning, and Samuel looks forward to getting to play with Kathleen (I think she likes it too.) I have a great picture of the two of them at A New Yarn, where she works. Samuel is wearing the sweater she made. (but the pic is still on my camera, with many others- I think this one was taken about a month ago)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

More Pictures More Pictures

Ok, I have received several emails requesting (demanding) more pictures. I didn't know so many people looked at the blog until I didn't post for a while.

There are many pictures I could share. But I will start with this one. Out of all the books for Samuel to choose, this is the one he was drawn to. Along with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, it's a favorite.

We also had some great photos taken for Christmas cards- but you will have to wait to see those in the mail. (and then I'll post more of them here). They were taken by a friend of a friend who is a "missionary photojournalist". She travels taking pictures of people and various ministries and organizations. She leaves this week for Africa. She takes photos to raise funds for her ministry. She doesn't have any set charges, but asks for a donation of any amount. We had lots of fun with her.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

First Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It wasn't hard to remember what we are thankful for this year. Seven years we have waited for moments like this. Seven long years that have shaped us. Seven years that deepens the gratitude.
I was also very aware of my dad's absence. I often am. And especially now. He would be leading the charge on remembering the past year, marking it and celebrating it.

Here are a few pictures. Samuel had his very own charger (something I know the name for after my Pier 1 days). He loved all the food on the table. He tried sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, cornbread and green beans.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Samuel's First Bump

Sunday night Samuel had his first fall that left a mark behind. He has been pulling himself up on everything. I was right there, but before I knew it he moved to grasp something less stable, did this amazing twist and went head first into the bottom of the iron stair railing. (We were downstairs, he wasn't in any danger of the stairs. Funny, my thoughts as I start typing are "will someone think I'm a bad mom....")
So yes, he chose the hardest thing in the room to test out his head strength.

He cried so hard. And cried and cried. There was a knot right away and looked like it would be a bad bruise. After about 5 min of crying he was comforted and went off to play again. He seemed himself the rest of the night- eating just fine, splashing in the bathtub, etc. If only mom could bounce back that quickly. (Fortunately my internet searches comforted me- that doesn't always happen)

Monday morning I was expecting a big bruise. But it was all gone. No swelling, no bump, no bruises. And Monday morning he was right back to standing up everywhere. I wonder if he noticed that I am a little closer by now.....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'll handle this.....

Samuel seems to be saying, "Mom, do you see that dadada (as he somewhat says) has fallen asleep? I had to finish the bottle all by myself."

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Great Great Aunt Mary

Here is Samuel showing off one of the several bibs that Great Great Aunt Mary made for him!!

Crawling Crawling

Wow, who knew how much crawling would change life? (Well, I suppose lots of you out there knew it would)
Samuel had been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking for a while. And then on Oct 31st he took his first few crawls. Rob and I were both eating breakfast and were so excited we screamed. Really loud. So loud that Samuel stopped dead in his tracks, probably wondering what did I do wrong. No more crawls after that!
Now, the last week or so he is just cruising around (and around and around). He looks like he has been crawling all of his life.
And now, crawling doesn't seem to be enough. He has begun to pull himself up on things. Problem with that is that he hasn't figured out a way to gracefully get back down.
We knew we had some things to baby proof- but Samuel is now showing how many other things we need to protect him from. A friend yesterday said that the best way to baby proof a house is to put a baby in the house. That's for sure!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

At the Water

Here are some pictures we took last week in Edmonds. (It is the town we lived in when we first moved to WA). This is the Puget Sound, at the Ferry Dock. Samuel loved looking at the water and tentatively played with the sand. Somehow he knew this stuff didn't go into his mouth.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Three Shots in Seattle

Did any of you hear a cry, a scream around 3pm PST?
That would have been Samuel having three shots at his first doctors appt in Seattle.
Thankfully the crying only lasted about 2 min and the shots were quickly forgotton as he played with his image in the big mirror by the exam table.

Is it always that hard to listen to your baby cry?

Oh, and he weighed 18.5 lbs and was 27.5 inches long.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Samuel is wearing the sweater that our friend Kathleen made for him. (She is an amazing knitter) It looks so adorable on him- I love the colors.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Discovering leaves

Samuel loves going for walks. (or rather being pushed by me)
No matter what kind of mood he is when, once he sits in the stroller he becomes the most reflective 8 month old. He looks at everything around him in awe. He gets really quiet, eyes wide open and soaks it all in.
On our most recent trip he discovered leaves. And amazingly held on to one for the whole trip without it going into his mouth. (Well once we got home and he realized I was about to take it, he did a quick taste- that's the last picture, with the satisfied grin of "I got it in my mouth")