Friday, May 4, 2007


That percentage could represent a lot of things....
but today it represents a DNA match!!

This is one of many steps, but for us is significant in that we can now go visit Samuel!!

I'm heading to check out flights right now!


Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you both. How exciting to go and meet Samuel. It will be the most special day of your life to this point. It is on a different level, but it rivals the wedding day. Make sure you take pictures of his favorite Aunt Karen:) Let us know of your plans.

Rob, Melanie and Samuel said...

Thanks Karen! It does feel so important and surreal. I will make sure we bring pictures of his favorite aunt- he already has one from the pics we sent down!
(ps that is favorite aunt- not great aunts for my aunts who may be reading this)