I have thought of so much to share, but to be honest I am so tired right now.
I didn't sleep much last night in anticipation.
We met Samuel around 1pm.....I held him and he took a bottle and then fell right asleep while the translator went over our Embassy appt. The foster mom held him while he slept.
She and her daughter were fighting back tears.
For the most part he has done great. He is so much more interactive, playing with toys, etc.
After about 2 hours of play and calm, he started crying and was hard to comfort.
He did have some baby food from a jar and then a bottle. He then slept another half hour and now is doing great again. Hopefully he will sleep well.
He loves this one toy that has a mirror on it, he keeps putting his face to it as though he is kissing the baby in the mirror. Very fun to watch.
well, here are a few pics- probably what most of you want to see. We don't have a ton yet, which i guess makes sense giving we have mostly been staring at him!!
Thanks for praying for us!!I have asked Bob and Sue to be guest posters- so look to be hearing from them soon.
What an incredible journey!! He is so adorable!! Look at all that hair. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We are SO VERY HAPPY for you!
You both know how happy Jackie and I are that this time has come for you. Over 30 years later we can identify with you. God bless this newly established family!
praise God! He is the cutest baby!!
sorry judah...
love the nelli4
Hurray, we were thinking of you tonight... I kept thinking, i wonder what Rob and Melanie and Samuel are doing now. I can never get enough of the pictures and how precious he is and how beautiful your smiles are. See you when you get back :oD
sweet glory and allelujah. can't wait to see samuel in person =)
Cecil and Connie Taylor wish you all the best on this new adventure with your precious son!! And Grandson...Congrats to Bob and Sue, as well!!
What fun and great adventures you will all enjoy!!
Lots of love,
Cecil and Connie Taylor
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