Monday, October 1, 2007

Baby Shower!!!

Here are some pics from my baby shower on Saturday. It was wonderful- just remembering brings tears. I completely enjoyed the day and was able to really know that I am a mom.

Here are some of the highlights for me:
  • Guatemalan decorations and food (delicious)
  • Fun Game- pictures of Samuel and everyone wrote bubble captions on what he might be saying. And I was the judge to pick out my favorites.
  • Hearing women tell me what characteristics they see in me that will make me a great mom and what traits they think Samuel will inherit (although I disagree with the number of people who said I was competitive- but guess I should admit my friends warned me before the shower I couldn't compete in my own shower games....and they thought I might have an issue with that)
  • And my favorite- each person brought a piece of fabric and with it a prayer or wish for Samuel. My friend Kathleen is going to take the pieces of fabric and make a quilt and a quilt book. I guess the book will have a small piece of the fabric with the note. And then when Samuel's older, I can read each of the prayers to him and he can find the piece on the quilt from the little swatch next to the note.
  • And two of the most precious pieces of fabric were: A piece of one of my Dad's shirts- sent by my mom. And a piece of fabric that Sue used to make pants for Rob when he was little.
Me with the beautiful flower wreath that was made for me!

The great foods and the fabric is from Guatemala and Nicaragua.

This is me with four of my friends who planned the shower. Minus Liza, who put so much time into planning although she knew she couldn't be there.


Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a lot of fun. Let them know that I am sending my fabric out in the next couple of days so save a spot for me. 7 days. You can almost count it on one hand. You can can on your fingers until the day he comes into your house. How exciting:)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you'all! I can't wait to see all the gifts and to see the quilt and book. How fun.
