Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our boy in Seattle

I am typing as Samuel sleeps (in his least for now).

We have been home for two days. It is starting to feel like we are here, that Samuel is here, that we are a family, that we will not be giving him back.

Samuel did great on his flights. The first one we had an open middle seat, which was great for playing. He played part of the flight and then slept on Sue's lap the remainder of it.

Houston immigrations was wonderful, everyone was so sweet and said "welcome" and "congratulations" to Samuel. The next flight was longer- over four hours from Houston to Seattle- and it was packed. No middle seat on that one, but instead a serious business man on the aisle, with Rob in the window seat, me in the middle and Samuel bouncing back and forth between the two! He slept the hour before the plane left. So he had plenty of energy for the first two hours of the flight. He didn't cry- but he did try out all the sounds he is learning and practiced his jumping. (Much to the dismay of the man in the seat behind us, who had to hold his fist on the seat to keep his tray from moving while eating). Thankfully everyone was very gracious (and that same man said he and his wife use to travel with their kids when they were little and he thought Samuel did great and that he was very handsome). I even caught the serious business man making faces with Samuel! The last two hours he slept after his bottle and woke up just in time to pass over Boise.

My mom's plane from Minneapolis landed in Seattle at the same time as ours. She was so excited to see her grandson....and he seemed to remember his abuela. Our dear friend Nathan picked us up. He has been with us through this long journey, has spent nights crying with us and many late hours praying for us. (He and Rob have known each other since college....can that be coming up on 20 years??) It was wonderful for him to be there to meet Samuel.

We got to our home around 6pm- and I gave Samuel the full tour of the house. He gave his thumbs up to his living space and politely told us he wouldn't need the crib.

We all sat and stared at him....played with him....he offered lots of giggles (both ones coming from him and ones he caused in us).

He woke up around 4:30am on Sat (but hey, that's 5:30am Guatemala time).

On Sat we....hmmm....I can't even remember what we did on that called mommy brain?

I'm sure it was lots of playing, napping and eating- oh and we went for our first walk in the stroller!

Sunday, Samuel and I didn't go to church. (Since Rob was the one "preaching" he decided he should go). We have had many words of wisdom from those who have adopted, from our agency and from those we met in Guatemala. And there was consistency in themese of waiting and allowing Samuel time to adjust. Although he does seem to love people, he can get overwhelmed. He met our neighbor today and while he gave her a big smile, he dug himself closer to me. So with that in mind, I put aside my desire for the whole world to meet this precious boy. It will come.

Hmmm....I started this post on Sunday and am just now getting pack to it. It is only 7:30pm on Monday, but I feel like it's about 10pm. So I think for now, I will go ahead and post and will write more later. Plus I think most of you are looking for pictures anyway!!!

Here are some from our trip home. We have some from since we have been home- look for those in the next few days.

waiting for the 4:30am airport shuttle on Fri morning

Flight Guatemala City to Houston

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