hmmm, I'll have to keep thinking about a caption, all I can think is "my goodness, he's grown so much since then!"
Man, I really hope my legs are long enough one day to reach to the end of this chair! :)
"Won't someone come and relax with me?"mamu
How about, "Boy, this really seemed smaller in the catalogue".Is there a prize for the winner???
ted- i'll think about a prize, and will ask rob to pick (since i have such a high need for harmony i'd have a hard time picking a "best" caption)
"Hey I could use some company here!"
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hmmm, I'll have to keep thinking about a caption, all I can think is "my goodness, he's grown so much since then!"
Man, I really hope my legs are long enough one day to reach to the end of this chair! :)
"Won't someone come and relax with me?"
How about, "Boy, this really seemed smaller in the catalogue".
Is there a prize for the winner???
ted- i'll think about a prize, and will ask rob to pick (since i have such a high need for harmony i'd have a hard time picking a "best" caption)
"Hey I could use some company here!"
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