Thursday, November 6, 2008

Abuela and Tia Sally

Well, I am once again going back in time. Not as far back as the yearbook pictures I posted below.....but as I keep going through pictures of the last year I discover ones that I haven't posted yet. My mom (Abuela) and my Aunt Sally came out to Seattle last March. (Tia Sally lives in Chicago and for those of you who don't know, my mom is one of 13 children. My mom is number 10 and Aunt Sally is number 11)

Here are some pictures from their trip.

We went to Victoria for 2 days. Samuel stayed in the hotel room with my mom and aunt...this is how we found him the next morning. Looks like they partied all night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh, he's changed so much since then! I love the messy hair-Coke picture.