Monday, November 12, 2007

Three Shots in Seattle

Did any of you hear a cry, a scream around 3pm PST?
That would have been Samuel having three shots at his first doctors appt in Seattle.
Thankfully the crying only lasted about 2 min and the shots were quickly forgotton as he played with his image in the big mirror by the exam table.

Is it always that hard to listen to your baby cry?

Oh, and he weighed 18.5 lbs and was 27.5 inches long.


Anonymous said...

I heard it ;)

Think someone could formulate the medications so the poor boys/girls only need one shot, instead of three...hmmm.

Glad to hear Samuel did well! =)


Rob, Melanie and Samuel said...

Hmmm....maybe someone I know who is getting their PhD in Medicinal Chemistry could do just that?

Suppose that wouldn't generate as much money for the drug companies though.