Thursday, November 15, 2007

Crawling Crawling

Wow, who knew how much crawling would change life? (Well, I suppose lots of you out there knew it would)
Samuel had been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking for a while. And then on Oct 31st he took his first few crawls. Rob and I were both eating breakfast and were so excited we screamed. Really loud. So loud that Samuel stopped dead in his tracks, probably wondering what did I do wrong. No more crawls after that!
Now, the last week or so he is just cruising around (and around and around). He looks like he has been crawling all of his life.
And now, crawling doesn't seem to be enough. He has begun to pull himself up on things. Problem with that is that he hasn't figured out a way to gracefully get back down.
We knew we had some things to baby proof- but Samuel is now showing how many other things we need to protect him from. A friend yesterday said that the best way to baby proof a house is to put a baby in the house. That's for sure!!

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