Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Recliner

The day Rob turned 37, a leather recliner was delivered to our door. (Something about 37 is old enough to have your first recliner....Here is a pic from his bday party that evening) He was so excited. He loves it- sitting right in the corner by the windows- he drinks his coffee there, prays there, lays back and stares out the windows there, watches baseball games from there, reads theology books from there, has interesting conversations with me from there, and types long thoughts onto his laptop there (which is what he is doing right this minute).

And now, just slightly over a year since that chair was delivered, he holds Samuel from there, tickles Samuel from there, reads to Samuel from there, hugs Samuel from there, laughs loudly with Samuel from there and teaches Samuel from there.
Here are some recent pictures of that.


Anonymous said...

What sweet pictures. He is so cute and having so much fun.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sending the pictures. Dad looks like he is doing a good job. Samuel looks like he is getting so much taller.
how precious--
love mamu

Meg an Aggie in Frisco said...

Hi Rob it is Meg... Aunt Susie sent me y'alls blog. I had a wonderful long comment, and then my computer froze. So I will re-type what I remember writing. :-)

Samuel is too cute! I did not know y'all had finalized an adoption. That is wonderful news. Jay and I are adopting an older child from the foster care through The Gladney Agency, where Paul and I were adopted from in the 70's.

We are at the beginning of the long process. I have a blog, but I need to spend some time and get it updated.

I lost your e-mail 3 or 4 e-mails ago. I have been meaning to ask Aunt Susie if she had it.

Hugs to your family. We need to catch up. I still remember apartment hunting when you were first moving to Texas. - Meg

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