Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We received an email saying our agency received our ORANGE slip from the Embassy today.
You may wonder, what that means....well Orange is the new Pink!
When we first started the process, the Embassy issued a Pink slip, which was basically the notice of your appt date.
With the new DNA requirements- the Embassy first issues a Orange slip, saying the second DNA has been authorized.

So if you look at my previous post- the first six bullet points are done!!!!!
And much much much faster than we ever anticipated. (What we thought would take about 2-3 weeks, was done under a week.)

So what's next?
Samuel has his blood drawn (we think that happened today) and then it will take about a week to get the results. Once the Embassy has the results they issue the Pink slip (that takes about a week to issue). And then we travel.
So we are now looking like it would be very realistic to travel in about 3 weeks.

Thank you for all of your prayers and emails.
I have started printing them out- there are about 50 notes to show Samuel someday of how excited everyone was to keep updated on his journey!!


and yes, this does mean my panic level has increased. I worked on grants for work for about six hours tonight. I'm trying to focus on work on Tues, Wed and Thurs and then all the other days are preparing for our trip!!!!!!

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