Monday, June 11, 2007

No More Pictures

You may see that there are no longer pictures here. We received an email from our agency asking us "to not post any pictures or identifying information about your child until the child is legally yours. It could be a cause of denying your adoption within the country of their birth."

Obviously we do not want to do anything that could harm the adoption process, so we have removed all pictures- and links to the picassa web pictures.

We are checking with our agency to see if it is ok to email pictures- if so please let us know if you would like any updates and we will add you to an email list.
(you can email me at



GDS said...

Oh my - we have not seen that e-mail, but I'm sure we will soon. We were told at our referral meeting to be careful with identifying info like names and places and foster family info. But nothing about pictures really.

I guess better safe than sorry!

Anonymous said...


What a delight to hear about your trip! We were in Michigan while you were meeting your son =) I am so glad the trip went 'smooth' ..and look forward to more stories!

I would love to be added to the email list of pictures...

we will continue to pray for you, Rob, and Samuel over the next months.

Brooke (& Joel)

Unknown said...

I'm sad I didn't see the pics when they were up--I want to be on the list, too!

Your trip stories were so fun to read--more, more!